_/_/_/ I N D E X /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
■ 表現を含む題材
Field Experiment Related To Solar Geoengineering
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■ 単語、イデオム
spew 吹き出す
sulfur dioxide 二酸化硫黄
efficacy 効き目、効果
stratosphere 成層圏
off the hook 窮地を抜け出す
shirk 回避する
warts and all ありのままに。欠点を隠さないで
■ 表現の解説
◇ offset
"They would reflect away a little bit of sunlight, just the way a very thin cloud reflects away a little bit of sunlight ... to offset some of the warming that comes from the slow buildup of carbon dioxide from our industrial activity,"
This will offset the loss.
◇ I would argue that
But I would argue that if you're putting enough material there that you're going to be looking at the properties of that material and trying to tell what effect they have, that what you're doing is an experiment on climate intervention."
I would argue that は、「私は(以下のように)反論します、主張します」の意でよく使われます。
◇ an easy out
They're concerned people will view solar geoenginering as an easy out; they refer to that as the "moral hazard" of the science.
an easy outとは「(単純化された)解決策」の意味です。