There are days that define your story beyond your life. Like the day they arrived.
...what might be called First Contact. The objects measure at least... (これが初対面で、、物質の大きさは、、)
I'm Colonel G.T. Weber from the intelligence. Pack your bags. (鞄を準備しなさい)
You are at the top of everyone's list when it comes to translations. (あなたは翻訳に関しては超一流です。)
Priority one: What do they want, where are they from?
You'll be reporting to me, but you'll be working with him when you're in the shell.
That's what they're calling the UFO.
Who's being carted off in the medevac? (救急ヘリで運ばれたのは誰?)
Not everyone is wired for what you're about to do. (あなたがこれから行うことは、全ての人が承知しているわけではありません。)
So, what do they look like?
You'll see soon enough. (すぐ分かります)
Every eighteen hours, a door opens up.
That's where we go in.
It's time.
Yeah, that just happened.
What happens now?
They arrive.
They need to see me.
Doctor Banks?
Are you insane?!
Now that's a proper introduction. (これは正式な自己紹介です)
More objects have landed around the world.
This is one of twelve.
We never gonna be able to speak their words.
You got two days to figure something out.
I am human.
It's their language!
We need to make sure that they understand... ...the difference between a weapon and a tool.
Language is messy and sometimes one can be both.
Are you dreaming in their language?
Wake up, Mommy.
It's possible they're prodding us to fight among ourselves.
This is just a way to force us to work together for once.
It's more complicated than that.
How is it more complicated?
Russia just executed one of their own to keep their secret!
You got twenty-one hours before they start global war.
So how do we clarify their intentions?
I go back in.
Why does this feel worse? (どうして胸騒ぎがするのか)
言語学者が、First Contactの際、言葉が通じない「訪問者」とどう理解しあえたのか、相手のメッセージはなんだったのか、娘がところどころ登場しているようだが、どんな意味をもつのか。