During a CNN appearance on Sunday, CBS News contributor Bob Schieffer asserted that President Donald Trump "actually sounded presidential" because he did not go off
script during his speech to Muslim leaders in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
cnnで Bob Schieffer氏がコメントしています。
Today you saw a very different president Trump. He actually sounded presidential.
You may agree or disagree with what he said, but he sounded like a president.
He laid out his vision; he called for help from those in the Muslim world. It was a much different kind of presentation.
I mean the president doesn't pay much attention to advice from others, but I would think if he just pays attention to himself today. This went over very well,
mainly because he stayed on script.
No tweet today, but a dignified speech.
I think very few people would disagree with me when I say he helped himself today because he didn't sound like the guy at the end of the bar popping off. He sounded
like someone who actually thought about what he is going to say before said it.
CNN host John Berman noted that Schieffer's comments could be viewed as "normalizing the president."
"You're saying that because he met this very low bar for not sounding foolish, he was in fact presidential," Berman said.
"I'm not trying to normalize him in any way," Schieffer replied. "I'm trying to do what reporters do. And that's report and try to emphasize what I think was
---words and idioms---
contributor 貢献者
asserted 断言する、主張する
go off ~から離れる、~から乖離する
laid out 展開した
called for 要求した、求めた
stayed on ~に添った
dignified 威厳のある
pop off まくしたてる
normalize 正常化する
low bar 低い制約
sounded presidential 大統領のように聞こえる
=>大統領らしくスピーチを行った。(sounded は「聞こえる」ですが、「大統領のように聞こえる」では、どうも不自然な日本語ですね。ただ、「大統領のようにふるまった」ではsounded の範疇を超えてしまいます。あくまでも、sounded は彼が話したことに関してのみ「大統領らしかった」と言っているのですから、「大統領らしくスピーチを行った。」が適切です。
he just pays attention to himself today.
This went over very well
very few people would disagree with me when I say
私が~を言うときは、ほとんどの人が同意しないことはない (二重否定)
=> 私が~のことを話すときは、ほとんどの人が同意するでしょう
仮定の状況での話なので、would を加えて使います。