

今回はVOA Learning Englishのレポートからの表現です。

Improve Your Pronunciation by Training Your Ears



If you are not making as much progress as you'd hoped, you are not alone. You may be surprised to know that a number of teachers do not know how to effectively teach this skill.



Other elements include rhythm, intonation, and stress - the loudness you give to part or all of a word or words.
These qualities together make up the system of spoken English. In everyday speech, some words and sounds are almost always pronounced fully and clearly, while others are reduced and less clear.



He says the goal in improving your pronunciation should be communicating to be easily understood, not removing your accent, which is often difficult or impossible.


発音の練習で最も重要なことは「聞くこと」? そして、その為には何をすべき?

Stout says one of the most important things you can do to improve your pronunciation is to learn how to listen to English effectively. And, a big part of doing this is to recognize and understand reduced English words when you hear them.


"I think songs are a nice way to practice and I've found that students who like to sing in English generally improve their pronunciation very quickly."



"…work on imitating just one phrase or a sentence several times. But my main advice is not to wait. And you can improve your pronunciation at all levels of proficiency…and the sooner you start to notice the patterns of English pronunciation, the sooner you're going to improve. And, that way, you don't develop bad pronunciation habits that are hard to change over time."



"A big part of how we define ourselves, a big part of our identity, is in the way we talk, the way we sound. But, sometimes, we just need to take on a new personality in the way we speak in a different language and we should just take chances. I think that's an important aspect is being willing to take chances and sound different to yourself."


---words and idioms---
effectively 効果的に
reduced English words (発音時に省略されてしまって)短縮された英単語
practice 練習する
improve 上達する
imitating 真似する
over time 将来、長い意味で
take on a new personality (性質、景観などを)持つようになる、帯びる
例)He took on an Irish accent. 彼はアイルランドなまりになった.
take chances やってみる

not making as much progress as you'd hoped あなたが望んでいるほど進歩していないのなら、
not as much as ~ で~程ではない、といった表現となります。
例)I am not so smart as you are. 私はあなたほど賢くはない。

Other elements include rhythm, intonation, and stress - the loudness you give to part or all of a word or words.
include(含む)は、その後に様々な要素を羅列します。そして、この文章のように、- で「言い換えれば、まとめれば」といった形で前出の要素をまとめた表現を用いることも多いです。

to be easily understood 簡単に分かってもらう
be understood と受け身で表現し、「(自分を)分かってもらう、理解してもらう」となります。
例)Remember, the goal is to be understood - not to sound like a native English speaker. 

And you can improve your pronunciation at all levels of proficiency
=> 文意は、語学学習の初期段階でも、上達できるのだから、どんどん初期段階から発音の練習を行ってください、と言っています。

the sooner you start to notice the patterns of English pronunciation, the sooner you're going to improve.
the sooner..., the ....で早ければ早いほど....だ、との表現です。
例)The sooner the better. 早ければ早い方が良い。

how we define ourselves
=> 自分達はどういう人間なのか







