

1"26 - 3"20

映像は、シリア モスルにてドローンによる撮影で行われたもので、戦闘後のリアルな町の様子を映し出しています。

HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR & CORRESPONDENT: A tender father and daughter moment in the most brutal of landscapes. Their home is only half standing. The city around them obliterated.

These exclusive drone pictures obtained by CNN show the scale of destruction on the frontlines of western Mosul,neighborhoods newly freed from ISIS by Iraqi forces. As Iraq's elite golden division rolls in in its armored vehicles, ISIS retreats, paying a heavy price. Bodies of its fighters still lie where they fell.
So recently recaptured is this neighborhood that the black flag of ISIS still flutters overhead. The streets below eerily deserted. A makeshift roadblock from where ISIS fought only weeks ago still standing.
In the video, dark smoke from burning tires and debris bellows across the skyline, desperate attempts by ISIS to hide themselves from airstrikes. 
Here, the camera catches an explosion, thought to be a mortar hitting a building, a reminder that fighting rages only meters away.
After months of street to street battle between ISIS and Iraqi forces and pounding from coalition airstrikes, the scale of devastation in this part of Mosul is difficult to take in. In these drone images, it seems every building, every street, every car is shattered, nothing left to support human life. 
So, the civilians are forced to flee, clutching their children and their few belongings. 
Who knows what future lies before them as they join the millions of other refugees running from this war? 
And for those who stayed behind, picking through the splintered remains of their lives, moments of joy still possible, before they're lost again in this bleak and dusty scene.

---Words and idioms---
These exclusive drone pictures これらのドローン独占映像
neighborhoods newly freed from ISIS by Iraqi forces イラク軍により新たに解放された地区
rolls in 侵攻する
retreat 撤退する
a heavy price 重い代償
flutters overhead 頭上をなびいている
eerily deserted 奇妙な程荒廃して人がいない
A makeshift roadblock 仮組みされたバリケード
bellows across the skyline 水平線から音をたて立ち上る
a mortar 迫撃砲
fighting rages on 戦闘が行われている(ここでのonは現在も継続して戦闘が行われていることを意味している)
pounding 爆音がさく裂する
shattered 破裂してバラバラに散らばる
flee 逃げる
clutching their children 子供達を抱えながら

A tender father and daughter moment in the most brutal of landscapes.
この一文は主語と述語のある文章を構成しているわけではなく、"A father and daughter moment"で「父と娘の貴重な時間」といった表現となります。 「~との貴重な時間、思い出」といった場合、"~ moment" と文を構成せず表現することも多いようです。
in the most brutal of landscapeといった表現も、brutal は形容詞ですが、ここでは「極限にまで荒廃した悲惨な景色」と表現しています。形容詞の後には例えば scenery などの言葉が省略されているのではないかと思います。

So recently recaptured is this neighborhood that the black flag of ISIS still flutters overhead.
This neighborhood is recaptured so recently that the black flag of ISIS still flutters overhead. と同意。

dark smoke from burning tires and debris bellows across the skyline, desperate attempts by ISIS to hide themselves from airstrikes. 

devastation in this part of Mosul is difficult to take in
take in は(気持ち的に)受け入れる
